Follow these steps to give your product images a supernatural touch!
Using mannequins to show your products to your customers is an efficient technique to promote them.Mannequins allow your products to be displayed in the correct way they should be, which gives them a professional and consistent image. However, the problem is that mannequins can sometimes distract the view of the client. To avoid any distraction in the client, “the phantom effect” has been created , a fantastic alternative that you can see in the following image:
In the first instance, this type of image may seem difficult to create. It is important to understand how you should take the base images of your product so you can then edit them correctly with this effect.
Creating a ghost effect is quite simple if you take the right images and use the right software (for example Photoshop). You can also outsource this task to expert image editors to have your phantom-ready images ready in less than 24 hours.
To create this effect, we will follow a simple process that consists of combining two images of the product. If you would like to get Ghost Mannequin Services contact them.
Once you have the images ready, follow the steps below to create your own images with the ghost effect using Photoshop:
Step One: Open your files in Photoshop and create layers.
First, you will need to open the images you created in Photoshop. Select the image with the dummy and create a new layer. Fill that layer with white; This will help to have a more optimal final result. You can also name your layers to make it easier for you to know what kind of effect there is on them.
Step Two: Use the selection tool to select the garment in the image of the dummy.
Now is the time to select the product dressed on the dummy. Zoom the image with the dummy, selecting your preferred tool to select items: quick selection, lasso, or magic wand. All these help you achieve this action. Keep in mind that in most cases using a white background when capturing images allows you to remove the dummy more easily due to the color separation between the product and the background.
Step Three: Refine and place your mask.
Once you have completely selected the product, refine your mask so that it is very tight on the product, removing the bottom and the dummy. This can be done using the Refine Edge tool in the selection menu. Click OK on this tool and place it on the layer with the garment. At this point, you should see the product "floating" on the white background you created at the beginning. If necessary, refine the mask even more or the edges of the product to give it a cleaner appearance.
Step Four: Repeat steps on the other image.
Now you must repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 but on the image of the garment lying on a flat surface. It may seem more difficult perhaps than the first, but it is not. Follow the same directions and you will see that it looks good!
Step Five: Combine the Images.
When both images contain tight and clean masks, drag the mask you have made from the second image on which the garment is already floating. Organize them so that the layer created from the second image is below the layer of the floating garment. Then, position the proportions so that they are perfect over each other.
Step Six: Remove unnecessary parts of the layer (image 2).
At this point it is a good idea to "hide" the dummy your mask with the dummy and pass the brush to erase any unnecessary items. The important thing is that you keep the triangle of the neck between the shoulders. Remember to remove that part in image 2 as it already appears in the other. Once you have completed these steps, you should verify that the layers are clean and there is nothing out of alignment.
Step Seven: Add shadows and save the file.
Finally, add a shadow between the two layers to give the product a feeling of depth. Now, save the image with the layers intact. Once you have saved the file with the layers, bring them all together and save this file with another name.
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